As an author I publish books in German and in English. This means I serve different markets. At first glance, the German-speaking world seems much smaller than the English-speaking world. After all, English is spoken in many more countries than German.
I’ve been publishing books for 5 years now and what I’ve noticed in that time is that it’s a little easier for me to get a foothold in the German market. Maybe because I am German? Maybe because we Germans read more? Or maybe because there is less competition that can publish in German? I’m still trying to figure that out. I’ve just noticed so far that I have to do more marketing here in New Zealand than in Germany. I’m active on social media, attend events, talk to friends and acquaintances about my passion for writing, and network with other authors.
Being an author is not a goal, but like everything else, a path. A path I like to walk, on which I learn a lot and meet inspiring people.